Thursday 12 November 2009

With the delightful rains come the dreadful after effects

After months of cursing and cribbing about the blistering heat the monsoon has finally arrived in Chennai .On a dull, cloudy afternoon as I sat in an exam hall answering a particularly difficult paper, a chilly draught from the window next to me blew over my face and made me look out(well don’t tell me your eyes don’t wander during an exam or you are not tempted to look and stare out of windows). The sky was slowly growing darker and darker with large black clouds threateningly looming over .In a matter of minutes, small fat drops started to fall and the rain began falling steadily accompanied by the first “rain smell” or “mann vasanai” . The prospect of going out of the exam hall and looking at an all new Chennai with the trees sporting a rich green color and the roads looking freshly washed – my excitement knew no bounds.

But yes, as a small part of me had expected, there was an altogether different picture that met my eyes The roads were slushy , some filled with ankle to knee deep water ,innumerable traffic snarls in different parts of the city and trees fallen across roads due to the strong winds. Worse still , in many areas sewage drains had overflow making the roads totally yuck and posing a great problem for the sense of smell. The monsoons, however soothing they might be, bring out an altogether different dimension of the city, something that most of us do not want to experience.

I had less to complain driving through the streets of the city in a car. But for all the others out there who were forced to walk or wait for buses which were worse still, caught in traffic, it is a nightmare come true. When people are waiting to enjoy the season after months of the unbearable heat the situation is such that you almost wish for march and april to arrive soon! The few months of respite that we get, should be made a more enjoyable prospect rather than a headache. The hot tea and pakodas, curling up under thick blankets with a novel, listening to soft songs about the rain on youe I-Pod and gleefully enjoying unexpected holidays does overshadow the problems , though by a small margin , and makes it a rather awaited time of the year! so go ahead and enjoy the monsoon while it lasts but probably in the confines of your balcony, terrace or street , or simply gazing outside your window!

poorvaja =))

(P.S. : I know it is not raining right now in chennai but this was written a few days back!)

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