Thursday 22 October 2009

semsters and flying times

today as i walked out of college at three thirty(after a painfully long wait for the end semester hall tickets) it struck me right there with unbelievable force that ONE SEMESTER was actually over!!

there was a time when "my world" was just home and school. studying in the same place from kindergarten-i have a very strong and deep emotional attachment to ssk(sniff sniff).the lone big building in sundareshwarar street with the two gulmohar trees adorning the entrance......that was my small yet beautiful world.when school came to an end , i couldn't believe that i would actually not be coming to this place everyday... seeing the familiar green and yellow walls,crowding outside the creche at lunchtime and fighting for shares,trooping down to the auditorium in the name of "practice" at every given opportunity, write countless assignments and praying for the magical number "8", culturals and annual day rehearsals.....the list is endless.

college was totally alien. believe me just looking at hordes of girls all around you and not knowing any of them can shake you up. all stories of how college is the place where you make the best of friends seemed like mockery and finding a group or trying to "fit in" dominated all thought processes.

give it some time and things fall into place... cliched but true....start talking to people , notice friendly faces, explore however shy....doesn't sound easy but it works.things seem right after a while... a new group of friends who are ready to laugh at the silliest of things with you , hogging endlessly in the canteen and appreciating the good food... sleeping on each other in class ,sneakily sms'ing in class even if the person is sitting just two rows away, deciding to bunk on an impulse, feverish revisions for long tests and frantic late night messages as to portions covered and prayers for teachers to not come to class.

at the end of the day its just one of the "worlds" we are probably going to be a part of . we take time to appreciate it but it does make a difference. SSK was my world and will still be one phase i cherish a lot and will never ever forget. however hard that was to leave , college is one hell of an experience till now and a very very nice "world" as this is dedicated to all the people who have made my eventful and amazing world of school and college the awesome places they are!!

poorvaja =)
(p.s. it sounded a lot like an assembly speech eh??please please comment someone!i have no qualms begging!!)

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