Monday 18 May 2009

cliches and romantic movies

now do not get me wrong... im probably one of the biggest connoiseur of romantic movies ever. i can sit for hours together and watch mushy mushy flicks with saccharine sweet endings and cry and also think about the PERFECT love story in the film for hours together.however some cliches which baffle all including me - which defy rules of science , social science , maths and what not ... sometimes are even too much for our simple common senses(if something like that exists) to take. to prove my heights of joblessnes here i go with a list of them which i have not heard of happening in reality (well probably not with the frequency it happens on screen anyways).
1.ROLE OF RAILWAYS:how many of them happen on trains ; the meeting part especially??how come i never have the luck of having a co passenger liken shahid kapoor or surya?apart from being the one of the largest organizations in the country they get to witness all these moments . and seriously i pity them for the last minute delays which usually involve the chains being pulled for the sake of the perect happy ending.

2.AIRPORTS:probably limited to only the climax of the film. if the trains get to witness the start the planes get to witness the end.ridiculous skipping of security cordons,running past rows of gun brandishing guards(yet jaane tu ya jaane na remains one of my most favourite movies people)pleading with the flight crew to stop the plane and what not... they truly pose a test to our senses.

3.SCARVES OR CAPS:all laws of science defied, gravity altogether does the heroine's cap or scarf or dupatta or whatever else go and land striaght on the hero's face?whether from a few feet away or whether they are three floors apart the target is reached at all costs. hmm... once me and my friend padmavathy were going in an auto and her dupatta flew out of the auto and landed on the road. we got a twenty minute lecture from a nearby reality is different eh???

4.FAMILY FEUDS :Girl and Boy like each other...break the news to their parents... surprise!!!a fight is just witing to break out, already broken out and running for centuries together or the very sight of each other makes the families opt for long lectures , big fights ,property disputes(girl's uncle wanting to marry her for the "sotthu") engaging their local thug groups and what not - the boy's mom never seems to like the girl or the girl's dad never seems's to like the boy...yawn. that pretty much causes all the madness and mayhem needed for three hours to pass.

5.ROLE OF FRIENDS:Whether helping in all the romantic action to go on smoothly or to give the most useless advice over trivial issues the heroine is always surrounded by a gaggle of giggling girls and the hero, by his own group of trying-to-look-macho men . seemingly enough they don't seem to have lifves or jobs or work of their own to concentrate upon and fulfilling their pal's life ambitions(read romace ambitions) seems to be the only thing going on their lives.

until next time .....
Poorvaja =]

Saturday 16 May 2009

a student's worst nightmare

every twelth standard student done with the board exams must be experiencing it.. the jitters,blank periods of time , sudden prayers and vowing to do the most impossible and ridiculous things - anything for those magic numbers and happiness on the D-DAY.

april to may till the date of the results is  a nightmare. while some of them feel happy about the results being declared on a date which is not in the near future others just pretend to have fun and a voice at the back of the head just keeps whispering the dreaded R word from time to time-making us pause during our time of fun, interupting out carefree days and absolutely jobless hours , dispelling the absolute pure pleasure of knowing that there is no need to wake up early and study for another exam or dread what kind of surprises(read terrors) await us in the question papers.

students belonging to different boards have an altogether different story.while some boards give the results first students belonging to another board can only torture himself or herself with thoughts about how they have a definite edge over them in the admission process with their results in hand even though  not the case.

temples see a sudden increase in student population. usually that is the case before an exam but surprisingly after it  too. pledges and declarations of "being regular in coming and visiting you" , "surrendering half my pocket money if what i pray happens" ,"definite kumbabhishekam if centum" are heard aplenty.hours spent over worrying how the paper is going to be corrected or the chances of mistakes being overlooked or the person correcting the paper is compassionate enough to give that ONE mark to pass or get  seventy , eighty , ninety or a centum....

i myself do most of the things listed. but many a time the thought of what all the worrying and being depressed is going to do to something that has already been done with crosses my mind. at a time when i can have fun enjoy and think about my future prospects , is it really worth thinking about all the wasted hours and regretting not having studied THAT LESSON ,paying more attention in class and all the classes cut due to culturals..regret is a good thing but probably not something a person should torture oneself with.its really sad to read about all the suicides of the students heart broken because of their results having an amazing family and wonderful friends im just going to be the same old poorvaja to them no matter what my results are going to be. board exam results are not proof of one's intelligence and capability or so i just face whatever comes and its all for the good at the end.all the best everyone!!

poorvaja =]

(NOTE:this article might sound like a sermon but i wrote it mainly in a bid to reassure myself and it did work upto a certain extent .... so if by chance you fell asleep WAKE UP !)