Saturday 23 April 2011

Sharing and the likes

You Know how everyone gets that one stroke of inspiration??Most people wake up in the middle of the night with an idea in their heads , scurry for pen and paper and out comes out the most beautiful poetry or the most meaningful prose.
I had that stroke of inspiration too.This one night a week back..I was tossing and turning in bed since the next day was an exam and I somehow couldn't make myself go to sleep.When suddenly..Inspiration struck..I got this Idea in my head and in my half-drowsiness I reached out for my phone and typed fast...all what came into my head.
And when I woke up the next morning , I knew inspiration had struck me the previous night.So I eagerly turn to my phone and what I had written almost made me want to give up writing all together.Why ....WHY..... WHYY couldn't I have got that stroke of inspiration which could have helped me write beautiful sonnets or essays inspired by Mill or Strachey??
Anyways... I'm messed up ...I know.And Before you read this..Remember I was Half asleep.

Sharing is something we have all been taught since time immemorial. A concept that has been drilled into our heads since we got our first Jumbo box of crayons or that beautiful Doll. Mothers entice their children with the story of “Karna”, who was the epitome of generosity and sharing. And at some time, we all make silent promises within ourselves to imbibe that…..

But a few of us think different. As childish as it sounds, I’m not for sharing..Especially when it comes to food. We are a rare clan but we very much exist. And what really sets us apart?

· Our role model is Joey Tribbiani from F.R.I.E.N.D.S, Not Karna and each time someone reaches across the dinner table to take food off our plates, our brain cells scream in agony.

· We are the ones who have the slightest trace of a frown when our Milkshakes or Drinks are “passed around” because it “Looks” good.

· We position ourselves at the end of a long table, preferably where the waiter is most likely to serve first. First helpings are the best….and the Biggest

· We are masters of the art of subtlety. Its packed lunch day? Then we proclaim loudly that we are especially hungry and dig in. God Forbid – The other person decides to sample your lunch!

· Sickness is a godsend. We do not mind faking it as well. Most commonly used phrases “You want a sip of my coffee? Sorry Bad cold “*Sheepish Grin*. After all no one enjoys the transfer of germs in particular.

We , again as a clan, lie hidden.Some (Or I think the only person in this case) manage to speak up and the result?Im sure every person will take it in them to scrutinize that person who mysteriously has a cold each time you go out as a group.I was forced to chose between a moral obligation and a duty and hence was forced to expose my kind.

But we are a good sort…trust me.


Raghav said...

Enna oru virivakkam..enna oru theliurai !

gwl said...

Really liked the article..........would like to refer the blog.