Saturday 21 August 2010

MUN memories

Weirdly enough,given my obsession with extra curricular activities,I have never gone for a Model United Nations(MUN)all through school.The only things I knew about MUN came from a bunch of pictures posted on FB by a few friends which mostly involved them wearing starched formals and posing with serious looks holding files and placards or frowning at their laptops.My first MUN experience came with the Stella Maris MUN from the 16th to 18th of august.
It all started with the MUN SG Poorvaja (!) who came to college and invited us to participate.Almost immediately I vowed to go and Boy am I glad!Everything right from the procedure to the agendas seemed so complicated at first.I never ceased tearing my hair out and an introductory workshop did help but its only actually when you go and sit there that you know what to do.And it gave me endless joy that i was representing Spain(The land of HOT sportsmen..Much to my mother's dismay).
My tryst with the UN started and ended with my 8th Std Civics textbook.So feverish looking up of facts and knowing all what there was to know about Spain ensued.My almost non-existent GK rose to alarming heights and Boy ..Dad is glad!In short 10 Things about this MUN in no particular order.

10.FOOD:everyone who complained about it needs a reality check.Aloo Parathas,Kachoris,Fried Rice and samosas.It cant get better!The first day's Aloo Paratha got my instant love and loyalty to the MUN.

9.SPAIN:As I discovered Spain is too rich for its own good.The country didnt seem to have any freaking problems!FAO reported no cases of malnourishment..and the agenda was hunger.Moral:HOT SPORTSMEN do not give you good debating points

8.GENERAL ASSEMBLY:With 66 Member countries at SMC MUN it was the largest council and this ensured people scrambling to speak or shouting each other down(Which as I discovered is not exactly allowed).I kept my mouth shut for most of the time being a first timer(NOTE:For my friends-Yes This does happen once in a while)

7.HUNGER:There is a lot to it than I thought there was.Its not just the feeling that you experience 10 minutes before the bell at 12 50 PM)

6.EMERGENCY:An emergency situation introduced did a lot more than inducing wars and invasions.Columbia's loss in the form of Shakira resulted in two delegates breaking out into a jig for "Waka Waka".May she rest in peace and not turn in her grave.

5. ASSASSINATION:The sudden declaration of the death of a Famed PM left me and the delegate next to me,very immersed in the emergency, thinking that it was true.

4.LATIN AMERICA:The Latin American countries there had promptly ignored SPAIN while forming a bloc of their own.When realization dawned,they tried to convince me and Israel meanwhile was left to convince me to stay on with the bloc that had nuclear weapons and the superpowers of the world.Some talk that was!

DELEGATE 1-"There are no anti social elements in *insert country*,only terrorists"
(The drug cartel govt had just been overthrown in a country and amidst all the supposed seriousness)DELEGATE 2:" Point of personal privilege-There is something in my eye, can I go and wash it?"

DIRECTOR:"If there is any food found in the hall, we will throw it"
DELEGATE 3 :"Can we donate it instead"?

DELEGATE 4(At the end of day three,examining the MUN newspaper and wondering out aloud )"Who is Suryadeep seal?"

2.UNMODERATED CAUCUS:Probably my most Favorite part of the GA.The chaos and confusion that ensues when an unmoderated caucus is declared is awesome fun.I should say i was looking forward to this right from the time we were instructed not to climb on tables or remove coats(or shirts) and wave them to attract attention.

1.RESOLUTIONS:We managed to pass two resolutions...with some difficulty though.And when they were passed a lot of air punching and table banging ensued.Overheard A Delegate saying "Wow some people get too emotional"Hmpphh What would he know!

0.PEOPLE:The best part of it all.Ive met so many people and made many friends who Im sure Ill not forget in a haste.Catfights,Arguements and foreign policies aside,At the end of the day we were all a very happy bunch of countries :)

SMC MUN was super awesome and an experience .I loved every minute of it and Im sure many other did too.Applause to all the people who organized it and made it so special for so many of us!
P.S.Is it just me or did any other delegates hear "Delegates! Decorum!" or "We shall start a moderated caucus for the time period 10 minutes 45 seconds speaking time" in their sleep?
Creepy?Ok, Forget it.


D said...

Glad you had fun :)
It was wonderful hosting you :)

Poorvaja said...

:-) Thank you for hosting us so well!