Thursday 24 September 2009

birthdays and more

you get to hear endless tales about how theyr'e irritating , how theyr'e always fighting for an equal share , how they are endlessly compared , how they are sometimes given more importance yet having a sibling is probably one of the best things ever.i was told a few years back that when my brother got to know i was going to be born he sat on his train set and broke it in anger . thankfully i was spared of all such anger when i was born.(i was probably too adorable).i have no qualms in admitting he is the genius of the family ....studies , music,extra curriculars name it he's essily the best . (dance and sports are an altogether different blog post. though i would love to talk about his short stint in a salsa class).i have probably listened to countless summaries of graphic novels , anime episodes , naruto , batman what not ..... i cant believe he is actually becoming 23 today!!(definitely still a 14 year old at heart)happy birthday raghav prashant!!your'e the best brother ever!!

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